Dr. Ryan Marino is an Emergency Rom Toxicologist. That gives him unique insight into one of America's most complicated topics: drug overdoses. I invited Dr. Marino on the Checkup to discuss America's drug "problem", specifically about where the problems actually lie or if there is a problem at all. We also touched on the viral instances of police officers falling victim to fentanyl "overdoses" and whether or not those cases are actually real. This was a juicy interview about a fascinating and complex subject matter, so I'd love to read your nuanced takes down in the comments! Follow Dr. Marino here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanMarino Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drryanmarino/?hl=en Executive Producer and Host: Doctor Mike Varshavski Produced by Dan Owens and Sam Bowers Art by Caroline Weigum CONTACT: DoctorMikeMedia@gmail.com