While social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram might be all the rage right now, the trusty blog remains an extremely powerful tool for building your business and your brand. However, when it comes to monetizing a blog and actually turning it into a business, most people have no idea where to start. If that's you, don't worry my friend. My guest today is the incredible Julie Blanner. Julie was an event planner who started a blog to share decor ideas and recipes in the offseason. Over the years, Julie turned her hobby into a booming business that even allowed her to retire her physician husband earlier this year.
On today's episode, Julie covers the process that allowed her to monetize her blog and the best practices that you can implement right now even if you haven't started blogging yet. Julie is a serious treasure trove of information and has one of the best blogs on the internet. If you've ever been confused as to how to convert your love of blogging into cash in your pocket, then this is the episode for you!
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- Visit Julie's Blog: https://julieblanner.com
- Check out Julie's course--Six Figure Blog--launching in a few weeks... Six Figure Blog Waitlist
- Check out Julie's Easy Cookie Recipes: https://www.easycookierecipes.com
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- Get more in-depth homestead info, printable recipes, and tutorials and more on my blog at www.theprairiehomestead.com
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- Follow Jill on YouTube: http://youtube.com/theprairiehomestead
- Follow Jill on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theprairiehomestead
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