I don’t believe it’s any secret by now; we like to raise our own meat. More than any part of the process, people question how we handle the butchering of animals. While it isn’t always easy, I’ve come to recognize that butchering animals ourselves has only helped us to gain an even greater appreciation for the meat the we raise for ourselves and our community. While some might find it inhumane or even try to convince us to go vegan, most would be surprised to know animals raised on the homestead tend to live vastly better lives than their industrial counterparts. On today’s episode, I explain when and how we get our kids involved in the process, why I believe every meat eater should experience butchering once, and how we honor our animals in both life and death.
A BIG thank you to Remond’s Real Salt for being our podcast sponsor for the month of June! http://theprairiehomestead.com/salt Redmonds is my #1 go-to salt for cooking and food preservation. I love that it’s mined in the USA and contains 60+ trace minerals which makes it an easy choice for stocking your homestead pantry. During the month of June, use code HOMESTEAD to save 15% on your order.
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