Even amongst the homestead community, raw milk isn’t necessarily a common topic of conversation. Maybe it’s a product of our current situation, but in our household we can’t get enough raw milk at the moment. For the completely uninformed, raw milk is simply unpasteurized milk. On today’s episode, I go well beyond the unpasteurized label and explain the phenomenal benefits of raw milk, including how it’s made, the incredible taste, and the wonderful cream. While I cover the amazing benefits of raw milk, it’s also important to inform you of some potential risks that do exists and the steps you can take to mitigate them. Most important, I explain how and where you can find raw milk where you live. Tune in today to jumpstart your education on evrything raw milk.
>> PubMed Study about raw milk preventing asthma
>> CDC information on raw dairy
>> A BIG shout-out to our podcast sponsor this month— Lehman’s Hardware! https://bit.ly/PH-lehmans
They are your one-stop homesteading shop for EVERYTHING you need for an old-fashioned lifestyle. Use code JILLMAY for 10% all baking supplies!
Don't forget to head on over to Lehman's and use the code JILLMAY for 10% off on their entire stock of baking supplies.
>> If you're falling in love with the idea of an old-fashioned kitchen full of incredible homemade food, check out my free Heritage Kitchen handbook at http://www.heritagekitchenhandbook.com
>> Head over to www.theprairiehomestead.com for from-scratch recipes, homestead inspiration, and old-fashioned tutorials.
>> Get your Old-Fashioned on Purpose Swag at www.homesteadswag.com
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