I love to cook... I love to plan... but I've never been able to stick with a consistent meal planning system.
And it bugged me for YEARS.
However, when I realized our unconventional life requires an unconventional meal plan, everything changed.
In today's episode, I'm sharing my best tips for getting from-scratch food on the table without rigid recipes or confining plans. If you prefer a more laid-back approach to meal planning, listen in!
Podcast Episode Highlights
Resources Mentioned in This Podcast Episode:
Join the Meal Craft Waitlist here: https://meet.theprairiehomestead.com/waitlist-7649
Check out Azure Standard for bulk foods: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=ANnu0O8ySU
My Prairie Homestead Cookbook: http://homesteadcookbook.com/
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