He's back! I had SO much positive feedback from my first interview with lard evangelist Charles Mayfield, I had to have him join me for another conversation. Last time we talked all things pastured pork, so this time we're talking next steps.
It's everything you need to know about butchering your home-raised pigs, finding a processor, scalding & scraping, rendering lard, and making homemade skincare rolled into one epic episode!
Learn more about Charles Mayfield here: https://farrow.life/
Learn more about Charles Mayfield products (with a discount) here: https://lardforthewin.com/
Listen to our first discussion about raising pigs here: https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/tph_podcasts/season-12-episode-4-pastured-pork-is-possible-even-on-the-prairie
Learn more about Genuine Beef Co. here: https://genuinebeefco.com/
Order my NEW book Old-Fashioned on Purpose now and get exclusive bonuses! http://oldfashionedbook.com/
Have a message you want to share with the world? Apply to be a guest on the Old-Fashioned on Purpose podcast here: https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/podcast-guest-application
Weekly musings from my homestead: http://theprairiehomestead.com/letter
My essays on an old-fashioned life: www.prairiephilosophy.com
My homesteading tutorials & recipes: www.theprairiehomestead.com
Our Wyoming-raised, grass-finished beef: http://genuinebeefco.com
Jill on Twitter: http://twitter.com/homesteader
Jill on Instagram: @jill.winger
Jill on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theprairiehomestead
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