On this episode, host Vince Passione is joined by Ronaldo Hardy, President and CEO of the National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO). Ronaldo talks about the basics of a credit union service organization as well as the benefits for fintech companies in partnering with credit unions through CUSOs. With nearly a decade leading financial institutions, Ronaldo provides insights into how CUSOs operate today and the direction they are moving towards in the future.
Key Takeaways:
(00:48) CUSOs act as the entrepreneurial arm of credit unions, providing shared resources.
(02:07) Any entity taking just $1 of investment from a credit union becomes a CUSO.
(03:14) CUSOs allow for increased collaboration between fintechs and credit unions.
(05:09) CUSOs evolved from cooperatives to more innovative models responding to consumer expectations.
(08:36) Credit unions are reorganizing as fintechs while still delivering the credit union model.
(15:20) Removing lending restrictions allows credit unions to reach their members better.
(20:48) Building talented people focused on empathy and purpose is critical for credit union success.
Resources Mentioned:
Ronaldo Hardy - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronaldohardy/
Credit Union Innovation Report - https://www.filene.org/reports/credit-union-innovation-the-member-perspective
NACUSO - https://www.nacuso.org/
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