Keeping bad guys out is always better than trying to detect breaches after they have happened. Many security vendors seem to have given up on that idea, however. That is, there's a lot of focus on an 'assume breach' attitude nowadays, not so much on 'assume our defenses will hold'. There are a lot of reasons why this is the case, reasons we have gone into at length in earlier episodes of this podcast series. But what does a prevention-first mindset look like in 2024? Listen to this episode of Techzine Talks on Tour to find out.
To better understand a prevention-first approach, Check Point is one of the obvious vendors to chat with. It's one of a very select group of security suppliers that still holds this position. As one of the inventors of the firewall around 30 years ago, this position makes perfect sense of course. Still, it's quite rare nowadays to hear a company take this stance so clearly, without losing sight of the necessity of things like EDR and XDR in its platform too.
For this episode of Techzine Talks on Tour, Sander sits down with Itai Greenberg, Chief Strategy Officer at Check Point, at RSA Conference in San Francisco. They discuss in depth what it means to have a prevention-first approach, not only from the point of view of Check Point, but also what it means for its customers. Especially in a world in which AI-driven cyber threats are on the rise and will continue to be on the rise for some time, (AI-driven) prevention is more important than ever, he states.
Besides a prevention-first approach, Itai and Sander discuss many more things. The challenge for customers of how to integrate various security solutions into one security stack is one. More collaboration between security vendors is absolutely crucial to achieve this. Another interesting discussion in this episode is the one on the risks posed by vulnerabilities in open-source and third-party software.
All in all, there are quite a few interesting nuggets of information on the security landscape as a whole, Check Point's role in it and organizations' approaches to cybersecurity in this episode.