Episode description
Clare was beaming when we began talking, so excited about her new lease on life. She had a marriage that had been dead for a while, with little communication or emotional support. She found herself more anxious and depressed, even praying for a way out of life...until one day, she got really sick and found herself facing death which ironically gave her a desire to live again!
The journey to health also led her to re-evaluate her life, decide what was important. Clare began reading and learning about presence, meditation and finding her zest for life. She has moved a thousands miles away, begun a new chapter, built a new and growing circle of girlfriends and is living the life she designed.
Clare realized she couldn't do it on her own and enlisted the support of Rachel, one of our JBD coaches. She talks about how our 12 Step program helped her to refine so many of her thoughts and behaviors and how coaching was the sounding board and guidance she needed to emerge a healthier more vibrant version of herself!
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