Episode description
Today we discuss Part Two of the book based on the author's personal story of choosing divorce, Untamed by Glennon Doyle. In this section, Ms. Doyle outlines her Four Keys, which are Feel, Know, Imagine and Let It Burn. Part 2 begins with the author sharing her story discovering she is unmarried & pregnant at age 26. This was when she began to live in a story she created about how to do motherhood & family “right”. She held tightly to the perfect image of how she “should be” and how she lost herself within her marriage. By acknowledging her emotions, intuition, imagination & courage, she rebuilt her life into the truest, most beautiful version possible. Her story could easily be a guide for the tools needed through all big life transitions including & especially divorce. Tune in while Karen & KP discuss this beautifully written and impactful book.
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