Episode description
As you step into your life after divorce, how you think, feel and act will be based on the extent of the healing you have experienced. And your depth of healing will inform what you manifest in your new life chapter.
Today we are invited into a uniquely powerful and special ‘secret sauce’ called ThetaHealing. ThetaHealing impacts you on 4 levels...your core, soul, history and genetics. The power of this healing is like none other I have ever heard of. It enables you to truly break the ties that bind you to your ex as well as generational chains both past and future and more...and if that isn’t amazing enough, ThetaHealing provides instantaneous shifts. Today’s conversation is filled with jaw dropping stories about the powerful healings and manifestations experienced through this process.
Today’s guest, Wendy Sterling, is a Divorce Coach, ThetaHealer, a global Divorce Recovery Specialist, speaker, author, podcast host and founder of The Divorce Rehab™. Wendy helps divorced women who are having trouble moving forward and tired of feeling stuck in pain, fear and anger to find confidence, self worth, joy and freedom. Wendy’s vision is to change the stigma of divorce from one of shame to empowerment.
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For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com