Episode description
Tammy shares her personal and professional experiences related to divorce in this episode. She grew up as a child of divorce with an absentee father, living in poverty and experiencing physical and emotional neglect as a result. Having no contact or support from her father, Tammy’s mother worked 3 jobs to make ends meet, making her unavailable physically, mentally and emotionally while struggling financially to care for two children on her own. Tammy shares her story of the day her heart for service was born and some of the struggles she overcame growing up in relation to divorce and the impact it had on her life. Tammy took her experiences and her heart for service and spent nearly three decades in the child welfare system as a social worker and child advocate before branching out into life and wellness coaching, and eventually, divorce and relationship coaching. Being a child of divorce, being Catholic and seeing marriage as a sacrament, and being a social worker who worked to help families every day, she talks of that being a trifecta for her staying in a marriage that she would never have left. It took serious and painful experiences that could not be undone, along with a high conflict divorce process to get her to face her fears and take a look in the mirror and see who she really was. That was the day she set out to make some changes, in her life and in herself. Tammy shares that everything she has learned to be an expert in are areas she has experienced personally, which fueled her desire to learn, grow and heal and use what she learned professionally to help others. Her passion is for helping others to empower themselves during crisis or conflict and to take a journey of self-discovery and self-love to reach their true and authentic self and get to a place of thriving!
- Request a Free Rapid Relief Call with Tammy Oswald: http://rapidreliefcall.com/
- For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com