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Give to the Max Day: Thursday, November 21st, 2024 http://www.bulldogcatholic.orghttps://www.givemn.org/organization/Newman-Catholic-Campus-Ministries-At-Umd
Day of Thanks Livestream Event: Thursday, November 21st, 2024 7PM CSThttp://www.youtube.com/ascensionpresents
Homily from the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time.
At Mass, you are not in the bleachers. You are on the field. You are in the game.
We are kingdom priests. But do we know what we are saying? Do we know what we are praying?
Mass Readings from October 17, 2024: Daniel 12:1-3 Psalms 16:5, 8, 9-11Hebrews 10:11-14, 18Mark 13:24-32