Ah, you dear internet pedants, I can hear your rapid and ever-present desire for infinite emendations and futile attempts to be comprehensive! "What of the expansion, uhm actually," you demand. We have little experience with the Ginkgopolis expansion, and while it adds several modules, they don't add much to the game--if you catch my subtle distinction.
Games Played Last Week: 01:18 -The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples (Reiner Knizia, Ravensburger, 2019) 05:52 -Heat: Pedal to the Metal (Asger Harding Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen, Days of Wonder, 2022) 11:00 -Last Message (Lee Ju-Hwa and Giung Kim, IELLO, 2021) 15:05 -Hyperborea: Light and Shadow (Andrea Chiarvesio, Maurizio Vergendo, and Pierluca Zizzi, Asterion Press, 2016) 19:10 -Ragnarocks (Gord!, Grey Fox Games, 2022) 23:45 -Undaunted: Stalingrad (Trevor Benjamin and David Thompson, Osprey Games, 2022) 26:18 -Rauha (Johannes Goupy and Théo Rivière, GRRRE Games, 2023) 28:16 -For Sale (Stefan Dorra, Uberplay, 1997) 30:41 -Woodcraft (Ross Arnold and Vladimír Suchý, Delicious Games, 2022)
News (and why it doesn't matter): 34:30 Game Brewer's Trolls and Princesses on Kickstarter 36:02 Expansion to Witchstone: Full Moon 36:40 Nusfjord Big Box: new expansions sold separately 37:54 Gears of War: The Card Game 38:26 SVWAG YouTube Page: new videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn7rQYKYwsxouP_7nSza9qQ
39:19 Feature Game: Ginkgopolis (Xavier Georges, Pearl Games, 2012)