We offer to you a sampler, a little smorgasbord, a variety platter of content from our Patreon. We hope this will placate you in light of our absence last week. If you'd like more, you can of course support us on Patreon. Only if you want to, though. We'll still be wrong either way.
03:46 Pledge of Indifference 2023-07-06 Audio (we also publish a video version)
03:56 Shipwrights of the North Sea
07:17 Tanares Adventures Ultimate Edition
11:41 Cyclades Legendary Edition
18:14 Buttons & Bugs
20:23 Other pledges: Planet Unknown Supermoon, Stroganov expansion
(Note: Mark did not end up backing Projekt Riese, but Walker did back Cyclades Legendary Edition)
21:23 BLOAT #18
21:44 World Beyond SVWAG--Returnal's storytelling, emergent vs. narrative storytelling, have difficulty with emergent storytelling in video games, but prefer it in board games, Nikki Valens
34:45 Meta Media--ethical standards of US Supreme Court, Thurgood and Cecilia Marshall, "dicta," rules textualism, For Sale, Tower of Babel: Reiner Knizia vs. Hans im Glück
52:34 SIZZLER #1
Credit to elevenlabs.io for the introduction voice.