Academy schools were one of the issues that listeners raised during, and since, Woman’s Hour’s special programme investigating the SEND system for children with special education needs and disabilities. We hear the voices of two mums who say their children were let down by their Academy schools for allegedly failing to support their children's SEND needs and Anita Rani discusses SEND support in Academies with Leora Cruddas, CEO of the Confederation of School Trusts which represents more than ¾ of all Academies.
Choreographer and intimacy director Lucy Hind has worked on major productions including Girl From the North Country, Oliver, My Fair Lady, Secret Life of Bees and more recently Groundhog Day. Her latest project Spend Spend Spend has just opened at the Royal Exchange theatre in Manchester and is the story of the infamous Viv Nicholson who in the 1960’s won today’s equivalent of a few million pounds and went on to spend it all on very public lavish spending-sprees. Lucy explains to Anita why being an intimacy director is an integral part of being a choreographer.
Kim Cypher is a saxophonist, composer, vocalist and a regular performer on the London and UK jazz circuit including sold our performances on the main stage at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club. She’s just launched her third album Catching Moments and Kim and her band join Anita in the Woman's Hour studio.
Presenter: Anita Rani Producer: Laura Northedge