Whenever we reach certain watershed moments within ufology, a whole new contingent of interested parties tend to enter the fray, after some new public revelation has convinced them that there really is a “there there’” after all. This happened en masse after a groundbreaking article was published in the New York Times in 2017. Another influx came after the Luis Elizondo and David Grusch revelations/allegations respectively.
One thing that each of these moments had in common, of course, is that they each had to do solely with the matter of UFOs and aliens - now rebranded UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) and NHI (non-human intelligence). In other words, the people tending to enter the conversation following these key inflection points, really had no idea what a gateway drug - if you will - that UFOs and aliens often end up proving to be.
The gateway leads, of course, as all of you who’ve been on this journey with me for some time now know - to deeper matters having to do with not only who they - these Others are - but who we are, and indeed to the nature of reality itself. That is to say, the High Strangeness that is part and parcel of this phenomenon is, as they say, a feature, not a bug. Some have even ventured so far as to say that the phenomena themselves are manifesting as they do precisely to force us into new ways of thinking about all that’s possible, and all that is.
Of course, for those looking with a keen eye, this venture into new models of reality is not confined to ufology. Yes, the bizarre, perplexing, and sometimes even absurd nature of the UFO Phenomenon does lead people down some peculiar avenues in order to make sense of it, but as it turns out, empirical research being done in distinct but converging fields of research - fields such as physics, astronomy and neuroscience - is leading investigators in those fields into similar trains of thought.
One notion that has arisen in light of the data that has been amassed by different researchers, across these different fields of inquiry, is that the “physical” reality we assume ourselves to be so comfortably placed within, may not actually be so “physical” after all. In fact, what has emerged over time is surprisingly compelling evidence suggesting that our waking state reality-scape may perhaps be better described as synthetic, and derived from a deeper structure altogether.
A simulation you say? Well, sort of, but maybe not in the way you often hear described in popular discourse. But what is the nature of the evidence pointing in this direction, and, if it’s as compelling as seems to be the case, what are the implications, not just for the matter of UAP and NHI, but for us, and for the context we find ourselves in; a context we’ve long taken for granted as settled, at least within Western civilization? These are precisely the matters we’ll seek to explore, in this, the 111th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.