Episode description
Today’s episode features a story by one of our favorite students, Margery Berger. She has been taking classes with us since way before the pandemic. Margery has told stories on our podcast twice before. Episode 46: An Object Is not Just an Object aired in 2018 features a really compelling story about Margery’s obsession with her scale. On Episode 95: What Did It Take to Finally Get Published? Margery told a story about the time her boyfriend said she has ugly hands. That episode is great because we talked to Margery about what holds her back.
Margery submitted this story to the Huffington Post and editor Noah Michelson (@NoahMichelson on Twitter) picked it up. Her story is called, I Hated My Breasts and Was Afraid to Show Them to Dates. Here’s What Happened When I Did.
We also bring you an interview with Noah Michelson who is the head of HuffPost personal and the host of "D Is For Desire," HuffPost's love and sex podcast. Noah gave Margery this note: “What would someone who didn’t have your experience learn from reading your story?” Because of Noah Michelson, we’re thinking about stories in a new way. Maybe you will too.
Margery Berger is the mother of two grown children. She lives in Miami with her two poorly behaved dogs and David. She has written for Home Miami Magazine, Lip Service, Next Tribe and for the Writing Class Radio podcast. Find her on IG: @wherestulipnow
Writing Class Radio is hosted by Allison Langer and Andrea Askowitz. Audio production by Matt Cundill, Evan Surminski, Chloe Emond-Lane, and Aiden Glassey at the Sound Off Media Company. Theme music is by Marnino Toussaint.
There’s more writing class on our website including stories we study, editing resources, video classes, writing retreats, and live online classes. Join our writing community by following us on Patreon.
If you want to write with us every week, you can join our First Draft weekly writers groups. You have the option to join Allison on Tuesdays 12-1 ET and/or Zorina Frey Wednesdays 7-8pm ET. You’ll write to a prompt and share what you wrote. If you’re a business owner, community activist, group that needs healing, entrepreneur and you want to help your team write better, check out all the classes we offer on our website, writingclassradio.com.
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You Can access a transcript of this episode here.
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There’s no better way to understand ourselves and each other, than by writing and sharing our stories. Everyone has a story. What’s yours?
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