Pastor Ben Stuart // We all love stories; tales of good and evil, legends of heroes and tragedies of villains. It's why we flood into bookstores and theatres, to escape into stories we believe could never be our own.
But here's the thing, many of us will walk through life without realizing that we are actually a part of the greatest story that has ever unfolded. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus isn't isolated to scriptures and sermons, it's the moment where all of our stories went from hopeless to filled with possibility.
Afterall we are all guilty, separated from God by our sinful nature. A cursory glance around proves to you no matter what your thoughts on God that there is something broken in humanity. But Easter, Easter is the realization of the greatest Hero of all time. A Savior who took on the Cross for each of us; declaring the death of death and the beginning of Life for all who put their faith in Him.