What can we learn from King David's greatest failure to help prevent our own downfalls?
As we continue in our series, Pastor Ben walks us through David's affair with Bathsheba and shows us how sin always starts with a series of small choices that take us down the wrong path. What guard-rails can we put into our lives to help us to not compromise our character?
Key Verses // 2 Samuel 11-12
Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well.
Pastor Ben's new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life.
Rest & War will be released on January 25, 2022. Pre-order your copy today!
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At Passion City Church, we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song.
Follow Passion City Church: https://www.instagram.com/passioncitydc/
Follow Ben Stuart: https://www.instagram.com/ben_stuart_/
Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.
More info on Passion: https://passioncitychurch.com