Episode description
Ben is joined by Sarah to discuss some of the recent safeguarding news in the Church alongside her research into spiritual abuse. For a lighter topic, we discuss people dying in an exploding submarine.
Content warning - With the exception of the opening segment, almost the entirety of this episode deals with issues of abuse in the church. Whilst we don’t describe any acts of abuse in any detail, we do talk extensively about the nature and impact of spiritual abuse. Please do skip this episode if this isn’t something you feel able to deal with at this time.
Sarah can be found on Twitter @SarahL_MH. She can be emailed at sm2556@pgr.aru.ac.uk
The twitter account @needs_light is a useful resource for ongoing safeguarding issues within the church. They have a timeline of events at Soul Survivor here: https://mrsglw.wordpress.com/2023/05/14/the-soul-survivor-situation-a-timeline/
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Email – breadandrosaries@gmail.com
Adam – @CommieXian
Our theme song is "Good Morning" by Amine Maxwell, available here.
It is licensed under CC BY 3.0 - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3
Christians for Palestine:
Email: christiansforpalestineuk@gmail.com
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Music credits at this link