Throughout her musical career Nutsa participated and won many song contests, including: New Wave - winning the international contest , The Voice of Turkey “ not only being among the semifinalists but also being the only foreigner participating in the contest, All TogetherNow “ where again Nutsa was the only foreigner participant who managed to be one of the finalists of the show. The latter one was particularly memorable for me “ despite the fact that she did not win the contest, she received an offer to record a song with Sony which was leading in charts in Russia. Tried out for the most recent American Idol season and landed in the Top 12 after being saved by the judges. Now really starting her music career and coming out with singles of her own on top of the ones she already launched.
In this episode, Brad and Nutsa discuss her journey to America to pursue her dream of becoming an entertainer. Learn about the latest American Idol sensation inside this episode!
-The most important thing is your reaction after your failure.
-When God gives you a talent, it is your responsibility to pursue that.
-The best investment is the investment in yourself.
-Nobody WANTS war, they want to live in peace and safety.
Learn more about Nutsa here:
Watch the full video episode on Brad’s Rumble here:
Watch the full video episode on Brad’s Youtube Here: