Jason Duncan. Every Business Needs A System and A Process . Episode 484 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)
Episode description
Jason is passionate about coaching entrepreneurs who want to work less & make more. Through coaching and his exclusive mastermind, The Exiter Club, he works with entrepreneurs to develop systems & processes to scale so they can live what he calls "The Exit Lifestyle", having complete control over their time and choices on a daily basis as opposed to being in the weeds of business operations every day. His mission is to help entrepreneurs be successful and enjoy their businesses–including the financial profits & tax benefits–without the need to be the owner-operator. He calls it "Exit Without Exiting".
In this episode, Jason and Brad discuss what businesses need and how to create the systems and processes correctly to exit it well.
00:00 Intro
01:24 Embrace delegation
03:24 Business principles
07:05 Entrepreneurship
08:50 Bomb: “Most people want it but they are not willing to go through the pain to get there.” - Jason Duncan
13:08 The result entrepreneurs want
17:22 Bomb: “Selfishness is the root of everything that goes wrong in the world.” - Jason Duncan
24:15 Listening
32:00 Time and money
33:15 Bomb: “If you choose money over relationships, soon you’ll have neither.” - Brad Lea
39:15 “Burn the ships”
42:04 Eliminate Stress, Systems and Processes, Invest in People
45:40 Luck
48:45 Bomb: “If they are not a cultural fit, they are not going to make it.” - Jason Duncan
52:01 Bomb: The Exit Lifestyle with Jason Duncan
52:15 Go to https://www.jasonduncan/bombs