Wes is a fitness/motivational coach who has the gift of captivating his audience through stories and hard truths of personal transformation. Wes spent over 10 years in the California prison system as a shot caller. He has been free for 3 years and has thousands of clients and averages monthly revenue of 300k+/month. In the world today people continue to look for happiness in the same place they lost it (Vices). It’s a universal rule that by way of pain one arrives at pleasure. Wes built his company to share what he has learned on his journey to becoming the best individual he can be in every area. It’s Wes’ mission to help you succeed and master the areas of life you’re aiming to build up.
In this episode, Brad and Wes discuss Wes’s aggressive techniques to coaching and how he transforms his clients to become their most premium version of themselves, mentally and physically.
Bomb: If you fear losing anything in this life, it will control you
Bomb: Self mastery starts with self honesty.
Bomb: If you wanna raise your net worth, raise your self worth.