Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson is a former Alabama state trooper, Air Force veteran, and world renowned chess champion. He is the author of the #1 Amazon best seller, One Move at a Time, How to Win at Chess and Life. He is a captivating speaker/facilitator and is the founder of Be Someone, a Georgia-based nonprofit which provides a youth-focused leadership skills development program on how to win in life using the game of chess. His formula – using the chess board – teaches that for every move that is made, whether it is playing the game or living as a contributing citizen, there is a corresponding positive or negative consequence. Hudson’s ultimate vision is to serve one million at risk students using his motivating mantra: “Get Your Heads-Up!!, Pants-Up! and Grades-Up!, and most of all, to “Never Give Up! – No Matter What!”
In this episode, Orrin and Brad talk about Orrin’s mission for empowering kids to be better.
Cash is king
“Once you know it all, you’re no longer teachable.”
“What you sincerely desire for others will happen to you.”
“A full time soldier sleeps with his boots on.”
“Go back and learn from the best so I can make the hood good.”
Follow Orrin @besomeoneonline
Learn more about what Orrin does and his event at https://besomeone.org
Watch the full video episode on Brad’s Rumble here: https://rumble.com/c/c-2544182
Watch the full video episode on Brad’s Youtube Here: https://bradlea.tv