Ben Spell is CEO and Founder of Good Ranchers. Before that, Ben was a Music and Worship Pastor at a church in Houston. Ben loved that, but God has a funny way of changing your plans… Corley, Ben’s wife and he have always been believers that some of the best things in life are thought up, discussed, or executed at the dinner table. And if that’s true, what brings people together to share those life-changing moments? Good food. Ben and his wife wanted to not only supply good, 100% American-sourced meat to American families, but also support those who make that happen - the farmers and ranchers who are hard at work to provide for their own dinner table. In addition, they wanted to be in a position where we could give back. The Lord has been so good to them, and they wanted to pay it forward. Since Good Ranchers started, they have been able to give over 1,000,000 meals, and that number is growing every day.
In this episode, Ben shares his journey to growing his premium meat distribution company and what it means to be a good rancher. Brad and Ben discuss how Ben felt his calling transformed from the church to feeding America.
Bomb: It takes just as much to not believe as it does to believe.
Bomb: Who you marry matters.
Bomb: It’s a good idea for everybody to stock their freezers.
Bomb: Be very clear about expectations up front, and get it in writing.
Bomb: To improve is to change. Change often.
Check out to learn more about Ben and his and wife’s company