Rich is an active real estate investor and entrepreneur holding a portfolio of real estate valued in excess of $50 Million. Rich hosts a real estate and business podcast, “The Rich Somers Report”, where he interviews top real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and athletes from all over the world. Rich also co-hosts two monthly real estate networking events in his local city of San Diego. A graduate of California State University San Marcos College of Economics, Rich is passionate about building wealth for his team and investors through commercial real estate.
Check out more about Rich and what he does at
In this episode, Brad and Rich talk about real estate opportunities & how Rich has created his wealth in the industry by utilizing private funding.
Bomb Dropped: There’s so much money out in the world, you just have to go get it
Bomb Dropped: Just because you were good friends with someone at some point in your life, does not mean you have to be good friends with them in your adult life
Bomb Dropped: Why do you want to spend time with someone that is no longer aligned?