Mission is one of those words that Christians use all the time. So are words like “missions” and missionaries.” But what do they mean? Is “mission” even the best word to use to describe what Christians should be doing in the world? In today’s episode, Kevin talks with fellow Michigander, Brian DeVries, about his new book You Will Be My Witnesses. Brian has led church planting teams in South Africa and currently serves as a pastor and a seminary president in South Africa. He’s written an insightful and helpful book calling church and Christians to be witnesses for Christ in speaking, in living, in defending the faith, in working for church growth, and in suffering well.
0:00 Sponsors
1:51 Introductions
11:29 The Book and the Mission of the Church
25:19 The Concept of Witness
32:15 Five Witness Themes
39:17 Sponsor Break
41:00 On Evangelizing
52:35 The Church As Hospital, Temple, Embassy, School, and Fortress
58:07 Stop DoingThis, Start Doing That
Books & Everything:
In the Lord I Take Refuge: 150 Daily Devotions Through the Psalms
Westminster Theological Seminary Biblical Language Certificate
You Will Be My Witnesses: Theology for God's Church Serving in God's Mission