When you consider the prospects for Christians right now, you might think they would be in despair. And you might be right. There is a lot of evidence that things are not going well. Kevin, Collin, and Justin look at several specific phenomena that would cause despair. And then they give us things that we can do now to move from that despair and into hope. Plus, there are some great book recommendations!
Life and Books and Everything is sponsored by Crossway, publisher of Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord by Michael Reeves.
Rejoice and Tremble examines the difference between sinful and godly fear and corrects the negative perception of the fear of God. It is part of a series created in partnership with Union School of Theology to teach Christians to delight in God, grow in Christ, serve the church, and bless the world.
Have you heard of Michael Reeves? [0:00 – 3:56]
Life & Football & Everything [3:56 – 7:22]
How’s COVID-19 going? [7:22 – 25:41]
Reasons for Current Earthly Despair [25:41 – 44:54]
Now what do we do? [44:54 – 1:01:56]
Books & Everything [1:01:56 – 1:15:29]
Books and Everything:
Uprooted: Recovering the Legacy of the Places We've Left Behind, by GraceOlmstead
A Holy Baptism of Fire and Blood: The Bible and the American Civil War,by James Byrd
Churchill: Walking with Destiny, by Andrew Roberts
Surviving Religion 101, by Michael Kruger
The Life of John Murray, by Iain H. Murray
Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America: Christian Reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest, by Crawford Gribben
The Soul of Abraham Lincoln, by William Eleazar Barton
Gilead, by Marilyn Robinson
The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of September 11, 2001, byGarrett M. Graff