Now that many institutions have closed the book on their spring term, educators may finally have some time to catch their breath, reflect on the emergency remote instruction experience, and think about how to prepare for various teaching contingencies in the fall. What better time to talk with an experienced educator on the front line of the sudden switch from brick-and-mortar classroom to digital delivery necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic?
Our interview with Elisabeth Hamin Infield was recorded on April 10th, about 3 weeks into UMass Amherst's abrupt transition from classroom to cloud, and with about 3 weeks of class remaining in the term.
Elisabeth's experiences will likely sound all too familiar to many new-to-online faculty. What unique challenges has COVID-19 created for you, as an educator, and how are you addressing, or trying to address, those issues?
Share your thoughts and ideas with us by joining our Wired Ivy LinkedIn Group, or by tweeting us @wiredivy.