In this week's episode of the Late Night Internet Marketing podcast, I want to talk about something that no one seems to ever want to talk about: what's the right mindset for email marketing. I believe this is really important, especially in an era where email marketing is becoming increasingly important. So, in this episode, I share some excerpts from a presentation that I did earlier this month, where I talked about the way you should think about email marketing.
Before I dive into the tactical aspects of email marketing, I think it's important to get clear on the right mindset for email marketing. I want you to think about how you can help the people that you're marketing to, not just selling to them. People have needs, problems, wants, and desires, and your job as an email marketer is to get them what they want so they can resolve their problems. I also believe that email marketing is the most important online business skill that you can master, and that whatever you're doing with it right now is not enough.
In the second half of this presentation, which I'll share in next week's episode, I'll break down three key things that you absolutely must do in your emails to increase open rates and convert offers. I hope you enjoyed this episode and hit the subscribe button if you haven't already. Subscriptions to this podcast are always free, and I'd love to be first in your inbox each week with the next episode of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. Thanks for listening, and I'll talk to you next week!