Professor Stephanie Dunson is an award-winning scholar with over 20 years' experience as a writing process expert under her belt. She holds positions at Yale School of Management and the University of Connecticut's Department of English - and if you're thinking, 'Wow, that's quite a mix of disciplines!', that's because Stephanie's understanding of the process and practice of writing truly transcends disciplines. Come to think of it, it transends academia too: not only does Stephanie help academics, she also helps people in business use writing as tool to unlock insight and creativity. If you think of writing merely as a tool to help you turn thoughts into publications, Stephanie is about to open your eyes to how much more you can get out of the process.
If listening to this episode leaves you hungry for more of Stephanie's writing-related insights, you're in luck! Stephanie hosts the wonderful podcast, 100 Mistakes Academic Writers Make ... and How to Fix Them. She also has a website where you can find out more about her work as a writing coach.