Episode description
New season starts tomorrow 25th September. Just before we dive into that, let's me catch you up on what is coming in the new season of CBE.
Every summer I take a break from the normal podcast schedule and send out a survey to listeners. All this feedback helps me make decisions about where to take the podcast going forward. Thank you so much if you took the time to leave your comments!
As a learning takeaway, here's a run-down of advanced vocabulary you will hear:
- To bring someone up to speed - to update people
- The golden thread - a common theme
- To make a comeback - to make a return
- To tap into something - to take advantage of resources (in a positive way) in this case training
- To pour over something- Not a common phrasal verb. to spend a lot of time looking at something like a book or document because you enjoy it.
- "It's like Marmite, you either love it or you hate it" - Very colloquial. This is a very British saying referring to the in my opinion, disgusting vegetarian spread called Marmite! We use this phrase to refer to any topic that is polarizing.
- To churn out the newsletter - Very colloquial. To keep producing something such as the newsletter
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