In June 2020 we published the Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review, a credible evidence summary of the elements of great teaching practice.
In this podcast series we talk to the team at Falinge Park High School as they use the Evidence Review and the model for great teaching as the focus of their professional development. The review provides a structured point of reference for the things teachers do, know, or believe (elements), which have been found to be related to how well their students learn.
Staff at Falinge Park are each selecting an element from the review to work on as the focus of their professional enquiry. We are following the team to find out how they organise and structure their learning and how it unfolds as they seek to enhance their practice.
In this first episode, we speak to the Headteacher of Falinge Park, Janice Allen, who gives us an overview of their plans and the professional development culture at her school.
All of our podcasts are available in our podcast archive.