In this episode, India talks about blending higher awareness with work and business with Jaci Lund, founder and creative director for Treebird Branding. If you're an entrepreneur or part of a small business wanting to take it to the next level, or if you've been feeling pulled to move away from the job you've always done into something that speaks more to your soul, this conversation will bring you guidance and inspiration. From connecting with others who can hear the "secret radio station" you've discovered to bringing the vibration of abundance into your work, this conversation explores it all.
This episode also includes an exciting announcement about a new service India, Jaci and Treebird are teaming up to offer: Intuitive Business Coaching! You can learn more about this new offering at
For more about Jaci and to contact her, visit
For more about India Leigh and to contact her, visit
Learn more about, book a session with or contact India Leigh at