Lotion! Books! Earplugs! Dried-up contact lenses! This week, we’re talking about our nightstand essentials from the things that improve our nighttime routine to the things that are just weird.
Olivia’s Nightstand: Weleda Skin Food, Aquaphor stick, books (currently: Rooms of Our Own by Louise Pennington, Talking at Night by Claire Daverley, The Rachel Incident by Caroline O'Donoghue), Necessaire Body Serum, a pile of dried contacts, glasses, claw clip graveyard, water bottle graveyard.
Becca’s Nightstand: Gold Bond Crepe Corrector, Ring Dish from West Elm, Retainers, Tatcha Lip Mask, Laneige Lip Mask, Goop Night Cream (discontinued), Ear Plugs, Diptyque Rose Candle, Ahava baby eczema cream, Amazon Alarm Clock, Amazon sleep mask, Globe bedside sconce (old/unavailable), Princess flashlight.
Listener Nightstand essentials include reading lights, mouth tape, micellar water, Stanley water bottle, Lush Sleepy Lotion, Eye Bra Eye Masks, Tempur-Pedic Sleep Masks, Amazon Smart Plugs & Echo, Dr. Teals Foot Cream
Becca - @famouspplreading, Iron Flame TikTok
Olivia - Escaping Twin Flames Docuseries
What we read this week!
Becca - Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Olivia - All Sinners Bleed by SA Cosby, My Murder by Katie Wiliams
This Month’s Book Club Pick - The Christmas Orphans Club by Becca Freeman (have thoughts about this book you want to share? Call in at 843-405-3157 or email us a voice memo at badonpaperpodcast@gmail.com)
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