Our personal tax advisor, Rui Borges, joins us for the first in a series of podcasts we will dedicate to the exciting topic of...TAXES.
Rui is a Portuguese CPA with 20 years of experience, and the CEO and founder of GoalSeek, a young and dynamic tax firm. He has a background in Economics and holds a master's degree in Business Administration. GoalSeek conducted approximately 250 consulting sessions and filed taxes for over 320 clients last year!
As our guest, Rui answers the following listener questions:
- Will I pay taxes in Portugal if I already pay them in the USA?
- I’ve heard they’ve discontinued the NHR tax benefit recently. How will that affect me if I decide to retire in Portugal? Is this even worth exploring anymore now that it is eliminated?
- Can you provide a high level example (in real numbers!) for a retiree getting social security in the US and then moves to Portugal that shows the tax implications?
- On a D8 visa, if I am doing contract remote work for a US company, what are the tax liabilities in Portugal?
- How does social security tax (if it exists) work in Portugal? If you pay social security to both countries, can you get social security benefits from both when retired?
- What is the process for filing tax returns as a US citizen who has moved to Portugal? Online self file? Recommend a tax accountant? What are the deadlines? Can your visa be affected if you don’t stay current on taxes?
Check out more about Rui + what his team at Goal Seek can do for your tax planning for Portugal here: