In Episode 22 I interviewed Dr Christopher Lee, the Veterinary Director of CBD Vets Australia, about the use of CBD in animals. In today’s show we expand on those previous conversations and cross over into the use of CBD for people.
In this episode, I had the privilege to talk with Sara Kourkgy. Sara is the General Manager of Precision Pharmaceuticals and head pharmacist for both CBD Vets Australia and the new online initiative 'CA Connect' - a service designed to give people living in Australia easy and affordable access to high quality medicinal cannabis, in combination with a personalised treatment plan and regular follow-ups with a specialist cannabis practitioner .
So if you or someone you know is suffering from sleep disturbances, anxiety, mild chronic pain or another health condition that's negatively impacting quality of life, and you're feeling frustrated that conventional treatments aren't working, then this is the show for you.
If you have questions you’d like answered on the show, please email me at:
For discussions about show topics, please go to the Facebook page: Natural Health for People and Pets
Further information can be found on my website: Natural Health and NutritionTo learn more about Big Dog Pet Foods and to access their amazing resources, go to the Big Dog Pet Foods website.
To keep up to date with the latest news, research and give aways, make sure you follow the Big Dog Pet Foods Facebook page.
To learn more about Bell and Bone and to access their amazing products, go to learn more about how CBD can help your pet, go to CBD Vets Australia.
To learn more about how CBD can help you or someone you love, visit CA Connect and speak to a specialist healthcare practitioner today. The information provided on the Natural Health for People and Pets podcast is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you have read here raises questions or concerns regarding your health or the health of your dog.