Julie Reboul is a Senior Developer Marketing Manager at Algolia. Algolia is an AI-powered search and discovery platform for dynamic experiences. Julie has also previously worked with companies such as Microsoft, Twitter, and Orange.
What we cover
(00:37): Could you tell us a bit about the kinds of things you're working on at Algolia?
(02:58): How do you cultivate a community of trust at Algolia?
(04:57): What is it that you and your partner focus on?
(06:25): What do you think attracts developers to want to join Algolia's live sessions or developer conferences?
(07:24): Could you tell us a little bit about how you approach co-marketing?
(09:10): Could you share a bit about the culture at Algolia?
(10:47): What changes have you seen in Algolia in the last five years?
(11:55): In the five years that you've been there, what do you think Algolia does well that's led to its success?
Where to hear from Julie