Even if you live in Travelers Rest, Greer, Greenville city, Mauldin, Simpsonville, or Fountain Inn, you are still one of the 525,000 people who are represented by Greenville County Council, and the decisions of the County government impact you. Learn more about our Greenville County government and how you can be part of its decision-making.
Featuring Bob Mihalic, Government Affairs Coordinator for Greenville County. Bob’s responsibilities include researching, coordinating, creating, and implementing Greenville County’s short and long term public policy goals as they relate to federal, state, and local legislation and serving as on-air spokesperson for the county while managing all public communications including extensive media relations involving public relations/events, FOIA, and general information requests.
Learn more about Greenville County Council members, look up your Greenville County Council member, see each week’s calendar, and more
Produced by The Greenville Podcast Company.