Episode 126: Howard Chicken
Jul 04, 2013•2 hr 53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode description
TOPIC: How many Saturdays do you get?
This week, Dan and Merlin talk about time. Its scarcity, its passing, its tyranny, and its possibilities.
Links for this episode:
- [SPONSOR] Drafts - Agile Tortoise
- [SPONSOR] Build a Website — Squarespace
- [SPONSOR] Transporter | Data Redefined
- Ending the Tyranny of the Open-Plan Office - Businessweek
The key to making workers happy and productive is having a mix of spaces for different activities. Gensler found that workers spend more than half their time at work in deep focus and about one-fourth in collaboration, with the rest split between learning, socializing, and other tasks. Of course, office workers still spend most of the day at their desks, but when it’s time to do some hard-core collaborating or learning, moving to a different environment can help them shift gears.
- So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love: Cal Newport: 9781455528042: Amazon.com: Books
- Satellite Sam #1 - Comics by comiXology
The star of beloved daily television serial "Satellite Sam" turns up dead in a flophouse filled with dirty secrets. The police think it was death by natural causes but his son knows there was something more? if only he could sober up long enough to do something about it. This noir mystery shot through with sex and violence exposes the seedy underbelly of the golden age of television.
- Image Comics - SEX, DEATH, AND LIVE TV
Their new Image Comics seriesSATELLITE SAM, debuting in July, takes a look at the darkness behind the small screen when, in 1951, Carlyle Bishop, the star of the beloved serial _Satellite Sam_ turns up dead in a filthy flophouse.
- Satellite Sam • • SATELLITE SAM #1 - ON SALE NOW
We’ve been quiet and decidedly un-posty here at Satellite Sam World HQ but don’t let that stop you from checking the book out today, either in stores on at comixology. there’s a midtown variant, too, and below is an Image Expo exclusive that went out yesterday in San Francisco.
- Big Week Not gonna lie. Little shaky, here. What... | kung fu grippe
Not gonna lie. Little shaky, here. What a gentleman.
I definitely need to lay down.
- Twitter / hotdogsladies: @draftsapp You’re doing God’s ...
@draftsapp You’re doing God’s work. Seriously. Easily one of the best iOS apps I’ve ever used.
- Drafts and Drafts for iPad 3.0.6 - Agile Tortoise
New - Custom actions now support [[line|1]], [[line|2]], etc. tags to reference specific line numbers. This should be useful to create a few more structured types of custom actions. See tag docs for details.New - Custom actions now support [[created|format]], [[modified|format]] tags. These work the same as the “date” tag, but return the creation and modification dates for the draft, rather than the current time. See tag docs for details.
- Drafts: Templates and Tags - Agile Tortoise
Drafts custom actions support a number of tags for dynamically inserting text when an action is performed. These can be used in most fields that accept text in Email, Message, Dropbox, Evernote and URL actions.
- Drafts: Action Directory
This directory contains pre-configured custom actions to extend Drafts beyond the actions that come preinstalled with the app. If you have Drafts, browse this directory on your iOS device – when you find an action that interests you, tap the "Install" link and it will be installed in your local version Drafts. Any actions you install can be modified or deleted in the Drafts settings.
- Using Drafts Line Tags with URL Schemes and Actions
In a minor 3.0.6 update released last night, developer Greg Pierce added an interesting new feature to Drafts that will come in handy to further customize the app’s powerful URL, Dropbox, and Evernote actions. In the new version of Drafts (both for iPhone and iPad), you can now specify line numbers as template tags.
- Bayes: How one equation changed the way I think - YouTube
Bayes' Rule is a simple formula that tells you how to weigh evidence and change your beliefs. I don't go around plugging numbers into a formula all the time, but nevertheless, becoming familiar with Bayes has shifted the way I think in some important ways.
- [KFG] How many Saturdays do you get?
A silly and unforgivably mawkish topic, to be sure.
But, something I like to try and keep in mind.
- Merlin Mann | SSKTN
For episode 20 I’m joined by Merlin Mann who likely needs little to no introduction if you’ve come this far.It would be hard to overstate how much of an influence Merlin Mann has had on my online escapades. From the way I blog on my weblog, toot on my Twitter or tumble on my tumblr. You get the idea. This was 5 parts therapy, 8 parts fun and 10 parts nervous, giddy laughter (on my part). A total of 23 parts. Or a “full Merlin” as I like to call it. So fun.
- Most Days (2009-01-22) on Vimeo
- Thor (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like all Asgardians, Thor is incredibly long-lived and relies upon periodic consumption of the Golden Apples of Idunn to sustain his extended lifespan, which to date has lasted many millennia. Being the son of Odin and the elder goddess Gaea, Thor is physically the strongest of the Asgardians.[187][188][83][189][62] If pressed in battle, Thor is capable of entering into a state known as the "Warrior's Madness" ("berserkergang" in Norwegian), which will temporarily increase his strength and stamina tenfold, although in this state he attacks friend and foe alike.
- The Aviator (2004)
For some men, the sky was the limit. For him, it was just the beginning.
- Amazon.com: The Aviator: Leonardo Dicaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly: Amazon Instant Video
- Amazon.com: The Aviator (Two-Disc Widescreen Edition): Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly, Alec Baldwin, Willem Dafoe, Stanley DeSantis, Alan Alda, Kelli Garner, Edward Herrmann, Ian Holm, Danny Huston, Jude Law, Frances Co
- Amazon.com: The Aviator [Blu-ray]: Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly, Alec Baldwin, Stanley de Santis, Sam Hennings, Edward Herrmann, Ian Holm, Vincent Laresca, J.C. MacKenzie, Frances Conroy, Brent Spiner, Alan Alda, Dann
- iTunes - Movies - The Aviator
An epic biopic depicting the early years of legendary director and aviator Howard Hughes' career, from the late 1920's to the mid-1940's.
- Big League Chew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Big League Chew is a brand of bubble gum that is shredded and packaged in an aluminum foil pouch. It was created by Portland Mavericks left-handed pitcher Rob Nelson, and pitched to the Wrigley Company (longtime owners of the Chicago Cubs) by former New York Yankee All-Star Jim Bouton, a Maverick teammate of Nelson's, as a fun alternative to the unhealthy tobacco-chewing habit common among ballplayers in the 1970s. Over 500 million pouches of Big League Chew have been sold since 1980.
- Transporter Store
- Download Dhamma talks and books by Thanissaro Bhikkhu - dhammatalks.org - home page
This site offers a multitude of downloads of audio Dhamma talks, talk collections and Buddhist chants, e-books of Dhamma talk transcriptions, essay collections, treatises, study guides, translations and essays. Thanissaro Bhikkhu of Metta Forest Monastery is the speaker, author, or translator in all cases unless otherwise noted.
- Gil Fronsdal: Reference Points
- E-Class Sedans: E350, E350 BlueTEC, E550, E63 AMG | Mercedes-Benz
- Howard Chaykin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Howard Victor Chaykin (born October 7, 1950) is an American comic book writer and artist famous for his innovative storytelling and sometimes controversial material. Chaykin’s influences include the comic-book artist Gil Kane and the mid-20th century book illustrators Robert Fawcett and Al Parker.
- Urban Dictionary: french exit
To make an early exit without saying good-bye
- Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons: 9781401227319: Amazon.com: Books
- Chick Cartoon Tracts
- Jack T. Chick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chick's company, Chick Publications, claims to have sold over 750 million tracts,[4] comics tracts, videos, books, and posters designed to promote Protestant evangelism from a Christian fundamentalist perspective or point of view.
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