257: “There is like a deeper, deeper wisdom and voice calling me to be like ‘Chelsea, there is a next version of you waiting to unlock and it is sitting there ready to f***ing go. It has like a fire burning and it just needs you to be clear and focus and bright and zesty’. And I don't think of any of those words when I think of me drunk. ” - Chelsea Riffe
In this episode, Chelsea opens up about her journey to becoming sober-ish, from her party-girl college days to navigating sobriety as an adult. She shares what prompted her to reexamine her relationship with alcohol and how she's building a life that truly aligns with her values.
Snippets from the episode:
Sobriety isn’t about perfection; it’s about choosing what aligns with your values and the life you want to create. Take it step by step, and remember that every small win is a vote for your authentic self!
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