193: What’s your favorite video game character? Why? Is it their slick ninja gear? Or their ability to shoot fire out of the palm of their hand? Or that they backflip on command?
Our ability to get lost in video games is largely based on fantasy and escapism - for a fraction of time, we get to be someone else.
But what if you could activate a video game character in real life? What if by simply changing your look, location, or self-talk, you could become the person you’ve always wanted to be… without needing to escape?
In today’s solo episode, Chelsea talks about this concept in-depth, as well as:
If you’ve felt stuck, uninspired, or just plain old BLAH lately, this episode is for you. It’s time to "Choose Your Fighter".
Leave a voice note to the podcast! Chelsea will answer on air: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChelseaRiffe
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