63: Sometimes right when you need it most, the Universe delivers. Chelsea needed some high vibe friends in Australia, and BAM - Marley showed up at the perfect time.
Marley and her instantly hit it off for their love of all things “woo woo” - reiki, the Universe, manifestation, tarot card readings, you name it! They booked a trip together after knowing each other for 5 hours, and knew right away they were placed in each others’ lives for a reason.
In this episode, they discuss how they met, and what they’ve learned from each other so far, including:
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This is a special 2-parter, as they couldn’t stop talking about how many life lessons they’ve learned in such a short period of time! Be sure to follow Marley @RoseDesigns.Co and @MarleyRoseHarris. Follow Chelsea @ChelseaRiffe and the pod @nonexpertopinionpod, write into hello@inmynonexpertopinion.com and visit www.inmynonexpertopinion.com.