127: Chelsea interviews Rubeena Ianigro, the founder and Creative Director of The Gray Muse and The Aura Market to discuss:
Today, she’s been featured in media outlets like Money, Business Insider and Project Hatch. Rubeena is a 2/4 Splenic Manifestor and an intuitive entrepreneur. Alongside parenting her little 3/5 Reflector daughter and creating inspiring products world-wide, Rubeena’s passion is coaching women to enjoy more freedom. It’s possible to be yourself and do work you love without letting anything hold you back!
Special discount: Use code RUBEENA for 10% off your orders at The Aura Market PLUS a new free study guide coming soon if you want to get on her mailing list!
Connect with Rubeena:
💻www.thegraymuse.com and www.theauramarket.com
Connect with Chelsea: