Today, I am talking to Carly Flumer about advocating for your health during cancer. Carly shares her approach to share your story and get the support that you want on social media. I wish I thought of this when I was going through cancer - oh Carly, where were you then?! Here is what we cover in our discussion today:
How to stay positive when your world is falling apart
Staying on top of your treatment options
How to get the most out of social media during cancer
What to say (and NOT to say) to a person with cancer
and much, much more!
Carly Flumer on Twitter
Symplur Healthcare Hashtag Project
Carly Flumer on Instagram
And check out my brand new book on thriving in times of uncertainty:
For man with cancer:
Don't Forget To Sign Up for Your
7 Day Challenge to Take Your Life Back After Cancer!People expect you to bounce back after cancer, but it’s not easy – you’ve got to deal with changes, fatigue and worry that it might come back… Over seven days, I am sharing practical ideas that helped me get the life I want after cancer – sign up free today:
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