Finally, the dull triple fister on causes of ADHD finishes with epigenetics. As usual, Alex the Monkey provides the evidence behind the way in which non-genetic changes to our DNA might influence brain development, all three hosts again try to somehow add personal reflections and give tips, and then we answer questions that have been sent in. 'What has James lost, forgotten or mislaid this week?" returns with James embarrassingly 17-7 up for the season and Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. James threatens to walk out (again), Mrs AuDHD actually does wander off and Alex saw Weeping Anal Fissure at Glastonbury in 1993...
Written by Alex Conner, Samantha Brown and James Brown.
Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.
Social media contacts: @theadhdadults
Music by James Brown and Sessionz
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