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Dating during a pandemic. Is it even possible? And, are there any good things about meeting a potential suitor via Zoom? We sat down with Matchmaker Extraordinaire Laurie Berzack to discuss what’s has happened with dating and matchmaking since we all went into self isolation. And earlier this year, we also chatted with our good friend Mollie Mulvanity about her dating life as a GenXer. A lot has changed since this interview but some things have stayed the same, like managing expectations, the importance of clear communication, and the very human need to connect no matter the circumstances.
Plus, we’ve included some amusing, booze-fueled moments from our most recent GenX Stories Zoom Happy Hour. Special thanks to Liz, Sonia, Brad, Jennifer, Jon, and Nikita for letting us use their clips.
Laurie Berzack:
Online Dating Surges During Lockdown
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