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Are GenXers really the “slackers” we were once called? History proves quite the opposite. Never ones to sit by and be comfortable with the status quo, GenXers questioned everything--from the racial injustice that was rampant in the 90s to the “greed is good” mentality of the 80s.
During this episode, we take a look back at how growing up in the 80s and 90s shaped our own activism. We discuss Eve’s stint at the ACLU during college, free speech, Third Wave Feminism, reproductive rights, Anita Hill, #metoo, and Sacha’s introduction to protests during the “Take Back the Night” marches at the University of Wisconsin, and how the 2016 election jolted us back into activism.
Plus, we talk to Elisa Camahort Page, one of the founders of BlogHER and the author of “Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All” about how she started BlogHER, what drove her to write her most recent book, who inspires her, and how to make a difference.
New York Post article about homeless man at Whole Foods caused backlash
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