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Today’s podcast episode is going to be a little different. We’re taking on a topic that both Courtney and I have sadly experienced firsthand - losing a parent as a Gen Xer - and it’s just the two of us. This is also a longer episode than usual and barely edited because we felt it was important to be as authentic as possible with you.
While we know this is an emotional topic, we don’t cover any of that up. You'll will hear us lose it, get angry and even laugh, because that’s how grief is. It’s also how GenX is - never one dimensional. We really hope this will start to normalize how we talk about grief, and helps you heal.
All that being said, if hearing about loss and grief upsets you to much, especially when it relates to someone you love, we will understand if you skip this episode because we are really really really open.
Thank you for being there for us. Let us be there for you?
Eve’s writing about grief
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